Tax-Saving Bonds - How they are different from tax-free bonds
19 Mar, 2023
Tax-Saving Bonds - How they are different from tax-free bonds
While tax-free bonds make the interest tax free, tax saving bonds give you tax benefits for the investment amount. Remember, in case of tax-saving bonds the interest that is paid is fully taxable in the hands of the investor. There are broadly 2 types of tax-saving bonds.. 1. Tax Saving Bonds under Section 80CCF of the Income Tax Act This was a special addition to Section 80C that provided an additional benefit of Rs.20,000 in the form of exemption in case of investment in infrastructure bonds. Assuming that you are in the peak bracket of 31.2% tax, an investment of Rs.20,000 in these Section 80CCF bonds will entitle you to a tax rebate of Rs.6240 (31.2% of Rs.20,000). Therefore your effective investment in the first year will be only Rs.13,760 and this will substantially enhance your effective yield. However, these Section 80CCF bonds were discontinued effective the AY 2012-13 and are not issued any longer. 2. Capital Gains exemption bonds under Section 54EC Under Section 54EC, your long term capital gains arising from assets other than from shares and securities can be reinvested in specified Section 54EC bonds issued by infrastructure companies. If your capital gains are entirely invested in these Section 54EC bonds then the entire capital gains becomes tax free in your hands. However, it needs to be remembered that these investments in Section 54EC bonds will be subject to a lock in of 3 years and any breach of this lock-in will mean that you lose your capital gains tax exemption already claimed. Such investment in Section 54EC bonds will have to be made within 6 months of the generation of capital gains. So while tax-free bonds offer tax-free interest, tax saving bonds offers you special exemptions for investment!
I am Shivangi Tripathi a creative writer with proven expertise in investments with a theoretical understanding of fixed-income securities including bonds, IPOs, NCDs, etc. My background in investment and good knowledge of asset management, macroeconomics, and the financial market are assets to me. I have been writing for varied niches and prefer contributing to a range of financial and investment products.
As an investment expert, I completely understand that investing is a big decision, and one should go for it only after properly analyzing the outcomes of the decision. Some contributors online may believe in sharing biased reviews, but I don’t believe in it. For an individual the importance of his/her hard-earned money is limitless and guiding them to make the proper use of it is a big responsibility.
My aim is to share knowledge and educate investors in the retail segment through my educational content. I am proud of my ability to convey complex financial terms and solutions to the concern of readers in an easy-to-understand manner. Over the time, I developed expertise in stocks, commodities, foreign exchange, G-Secs, insurance, and more.
I like to do product analysis, prepare reports, and help individuals make better investment decisions. I recommend BondsIndia for investment in Bonds, IPOs, NCDs, and other fixed-income securities on the basis of my considerable experience with the dependable platform. However, the decision to commence investing completely lies with you.
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